My chubby baby :)
Well she now weighs 11lb 8oz!
She gets a rare bottle and will drink anywhere from 3oz to 5oz, if she's really hungry. Otherwise, she is fully breast fed. That also got easier, thank goodness! I'm glad I stuck with it. She usually eats every 2-3hrs during the day and only wakes sometimes during the night.
Yes, she has been sleeping through the night *KNOCK ON WOOD* she will sleep 8-9hrs, wake to feed, and take another couple hour nap. Then be up most of the day with little 30min naps here and there. Bed time is between 9-11pm, whenever she is finally deep sleeping.
She wears size 1 diapers and is wearing 3month+ clothing. A lot of the clothing fits width, but length is too short lol
She has started to smile. Like, the real smile! It is the cutest thing. She talks a lot and loves her little play mat I got her. She still hates tummy time though. She loves watching tv lol.