She's a little over 2ft now and weighs 19lbs.
Size 4 diapers.
Still breastfeeding but she does eat solids more frequently, too.
She doesn't seem to like bananas or eggs too much right now.
So far she is a good eater, though. Likes most things. She loves the yogurt melts. Can feed herself :)
She doesn't sleep the greatest, still. But now when I put her down for the night, she'll sleep for about 90 minutes before waking up. Before, like a month ago, she'd only sleep for 40 minute when I first put her down. Yikes! Her naps are still generally short. Maybe an hour. She naps 1-3 times a day.
She now army crawls all over the place, and she's quick! She can now, just within the last day, can go from an army crawl - into splits - and sit up! She isn't fully unsupported yet. Still have to be careful and always sit near by to catch her when she goes tumbling back...or side ways..or forward lol
She'll be taking another plane ride on July 12th. We are off to Arizona for 5! Weeks!
Still enjoying the bath.
Likes taking walks in the stroller.
Loves her mommy ❤️
Does the scrunchy face all the time! Let's her voice be heard. If it's loud, for whatever reason, she will yell out a few times to make her presence known. 😀
She has 2 bottom teeth!
Love you, sweet Guinevere ❤️
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