Monday, August 15, 2016

Guinevere | 10 Months

Your monthly picture was done a little different this month because we are in Arizona! 

You have grown so much this past month. You can sit all by yourself now. Took a few backwards falls but you're a tough little chicky. You still army crawl...very fast! You've done a proper crawl a couple of times but not for very long. Your belly always finds the floor. You stood up for a long time today, while holding onto a little Dora chair. You even let one hand go. 

You eat whatever we eat, basically. You love your yogurt melts and enjoy sipping water from your sippy cup. 

Still nursing! You nurse every 3hrs or so.

Sleep? You still haven't figured that one out yet. You're getting better - slowly. Once I put you down at night, sometimes you'll sleep for 90 minutes....sometimes only 15. I don't let you cry - I come rushing in to nurse you back to sleep. 

Sleep has been a little tricky this past week. You've been waking around 11pm a few nights this week and just screaming and crying. I try holding you but you pull away. I think it's gas. After 30-40 minutes of nonstop screaming and crying, you finally fall back to sleep. Not for long though. You still wake many times a night.

You squish your nose, pucker your lips, and constantly use the pincer grasp...even when you aren't eating. You know how to sign "more." 

You love bath time. You do not like diaper changes. You are in a size 4 diaper still. You've gotta be 20lb by now. 

I'm already birthday party planning. You're growing too fast! Love you, sweet Guinevere xo


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