Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gabrielle is 11 months!

One more month and she is ONE! 
Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep an 11 month old still for a picture LOL she loves to be on the move. She crawls all over, quickly. 
She likes to fake putting things in her mouth. 
She likes to dance. 
She has been putting herself to sleep for naps. 
She still loves bath time. 
We've seen a little attitude come out ;) 
She does her "show me the money" hand movements. She says bye. 
She's been eating more and more 'people' foods. She loves mac and cheese, grilled cheese, and rice rice rice!
Still breast fed :)
Still not sleeping through the night...and has been waking even more than usual. About 4-5 times a night for weeks now. This momma is tired!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Girly style!
We are all feeling ill. M is feeling the worst. Gabby is just getting over her cold and M's and mine is just beginning. He went off to bed early so Gabby and I sat in the living room watching "The Vow" :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A year ago today

I married this fella. Lucky me!
It was a crazy year. A new chapter for us as a couple. A new baby. Ups and downs. Tears (on my end lol) and smiles. Learning, growing, and changing.
Bring on the next year. :)