Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gabrielle 14 months

She turned 14 months yesterday :') 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I get to be her mommy. I'm the lucky one. 

What a difference a year makes!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 6, 2013

Make Me Up Monday

Sally Hansen - Barracuda

I can't explain to you my love for this nail polish. I heard about it probably a year ago and have been on the look out for it since. About 3 months ago, or so, I found it! I found it Meier's. I was so excited and grabbed the only two that were on the shelf. Every time I come across it, I buy out all that are available.

It's the perfect baby blue creme with a hint of green or turquoise. It's freaking gorgeous!

I applied about 3 coats to get the look I wanted. One coat leaves your nails begging for more. Two looks better, but three is perfect.

This time I added a little sparkle to my ring finger and called it a day.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Month long cough

My poor girl.

She's had a cough for a month now. Symptoms got worse yesterday. She had a fever, was very clingy, and threw up during the night. This happened a couple weeks back.

We took her in this morning and the doctor said she looks fine and her lungs are sounding great. Then
asked why I even bothered to bring her in.

I guess whatever she had before she caught again. Just have to ride it out.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Her grandparents took her to Claire's today and got her ears pierced!

She messes with them a bit because she's not used to them yet. We have to clean them 3 times a week for awhile. She got her birthstone, Aquamarine!

She looks darling. :)

She isn't feeling the best today. She had a mild fever of about 99.7 before bed. We gave her some Advil, she's now sleeping. Hopefully she feels better tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a big day for the hubby. He is going to take a test that we all are rooting him on for. He's been studying hard all week. Fingers crossed!

I also got some news on my grandma. I pray she will be ok.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday