Now to finally start the survey! I got so behind, sorry little baby.
Today's date: May 17, 2015
How far along: 18 weeks 6 days!
Total weight gain: about 7lbs, ahhh!
Size of the baby: 5.5 in ; size of a sweet potato.
Sex: We should be finding out on May 26th!
Maternity clothes: I wear them just because they are super comfortable! I can still wear my regular jeans, just need to not button them ;)
Sleep: Sleeping good for the most part. Some nights I do have insomnia.
Best moment(s) of the week: Reading to Gabby. Each night I've been reading two books that she picks out. :)
Movement: Lots of movement! I can feel movement throughout the day and a lot at night. I lay there next to Gabby (she's usually asleep) and tap or poke my belly and I can feel little kicks and\or jabs.
Food cravings: Gimmie all the carbsssss. I've eaten terribly the last two weeks. A lot of fast food. A lot of ice cream.
Food aversions: Not really :)
Morning sickness: So far, so good.
Symptoms: Boobs are growing. A little easy to lose my temper.
Labor signs: Too soon.
Belly button in or out: in but flat
What I miss: more than one cup of coffee lol I used to drink almost a whole pot of coffee in the morning. Now, just one small cup.
What I'm looking forward to: May 26, 2015! Finding out the gender. Also May 21, 2015 - taking Gabby to see if she is able to start preschool. School is all she talks about!
The first trimester, I was exhausted and nauseous. All I wanted to do was sleep. I'd go to bed with Gabby, wake up with Gabby, and nap with Gabby. Luckily, for me, she was still napping pretty much every day during my first trimester. Nausea didn't clear up until a couple weeks into my 2nd trimester. That's when my energy came back too.
I didn't have food aversions that I can recall. With Gabby I couldn't eat meat during the 1st trimester, this pregnancy, I enjoyed meat.
Cravings: at first, pasta salad. A chicken sandwich with a lot of mayo. Ice cream. Sweets. Watermelon. BLT's.
Experienced leg cramps! Never had those with Gabby.
Lots of headaches. Had these with Gabby as well.
Crazy dreams. With Gabby too.
Week 17 and 18, I've been a big B. lol, sorry hubby.