Saturday, November 21, 2015

Guinevere | One Month

I realized I never made a post for Gwen's one month update!

Or her birth story. That is on its way next. For now, the one month update. :)

Gwen is such a good baby. I feel like this time around, we know what we are doing a little more than the first time around. She cries but only if she's hungry, needs a diaper change, or is a little gassy ;) 

She has the funniest facial expressions! I call the majority of them her "bitter beer faces" haha

I'm not being strict about having her on any sort of schedule yet. She's still got her days and nights jumbled. After next month, I'll start on being a little more strict with the schedule. Just a little. Right now, all she does is sleep, so I'm not worried about her napping all day because she'll still be doing the same thing all night. 

She weighs 9lb 6oz and is 20inches long! Next month, the shots start. 

She's had a lot of eye boogers, or googers - as we call it, pediatrician also said its just her glands haven't fully opened but it'll pass. 

She was a bit jaundice when she was born. Just slightly. Her pediatrician said to just make sure she's nursing frequently that way she is pooping a lot. We got her tested and all, and now she's jaundice free! 

Speaking of nursing. It's going great! She eats all the time. She wakes about every 2hrs at night. Sometimes every 1hr, sometimes I'm lucky and get a 3hr stretch. 

She's out of the newborn diapers and flying through size 1's. 

Still in newborn clothing. 

Still dolling her up in bows! 

I'm already thinking about her 1st birthday party theme. Too soon? ;)

Love you, little Guinabear!!