Monday, August 15, 2016

Guinevere | 10 Months

Your monthly picture was done a little different this month because we are in Arizona! 

You have grown so much this past month. You can sit all by yourself now. Took a few backwards falls but you're a tough little chicky. You still army crawl...very fast! You've done a proper crawl a couple of times but not for very long. Your belly always finds the floor. You stood up for a long time today, while holding onto a little Dora chair. You even let one hand go. 

You eat whatever we eat, basically. You love your yogurt melts and enjoy sipping water from your sippy cup. 

Still nursing! You nurse every 3hrs or so.

Sleep? You still haven't figured that one out yet. You're getting better - slowly. Once I put you down at night, sometimes you'll sleep for 90 minutes....sometimes only 15. I don't let you cry - I come rushing in to nurse you back to sleep. 

Sleep has been a little tricky this past week. You've been waking around 11pm a few nights this week and just screaming and crying. I try holding you but you pull away. I think it's gas. After 30-40 minutes of nonstop screaming and crying, you finally fall back to sleep. Not for long though. You still wake many times a night.

You squish your nose, pucker your lips, and constantly use the pincer grasp...even when you aren't eating. You know how to sign "more." 

You love bath time. You do not like diaper changes. You are in a size 4 diaper still. You've gotta be 20lb by now. 

I'm already birthday party planning. You're growing too fast! Love you, sweet Guinevere xo

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Guinevere | 7, 8, and 9 Months

She's a little over 2ft now and weighs 19lbs. 
Size 4 diapers.
Still breastfeeding but she does eat solids more frequently, too. 
She doesn't seem to like bananas or eggs too much right now. 
So far she is a good eater, though. Likes most things. She loves the yogurt melts. Can feed herself :)

She doesn't sleep the greatest, still. But now when I put her down for the night, she'll sleep for about 90 minutes before waking up. Before, like a month ago, she'd only sleep for 40 minute when I first put her down. Yikes! Her naps are still generally short. Maybe an hour. She naps 1-3 times a day. 

She now army crawls all over the place, and she's quick! She can now, just within the last day, can go from an army crawl - into splits - and sit up! She isn't fully unsupported yet. Still have to be careful and always sit near by to catch her when she goes tumbling back...or side ways..or forward lol 

She took her first plane ride during her 8th month. She did well!
 She'll be taking another plane ride on July 12th. We are off to Arizona for 5! Weeks!

Still enjoying the bath. 
Likes taking walks in the stroller.
Loves her mommy ❤️
Does the scrunchy face all the time! Let's her voice be heard. If it's loud, for whatever reason, she will yell out a few times to make her presence known. 😀
She has 2 bottom teeth! 

Love you, sweet Guinevere ❤️

Monday, April 11, 2016

Shine bright like a diamond

Gwennie got her ears pierced on Saturday. We all headed to the mall, in-laws included, and got them done at Claire's. 

She got little pink diamonds. Her birthstone color (pink). She looks so darling. They don't bother her at all. I clean them 3x's a day and will do so for the next 3 weeks. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Guinevere | Six Months

A half a year old already!
Time is going by so quickly. Before I know it, you'll be one!

17lb - almost 18lb! Almost 2ft 1inch long.
She is still breastfed. Started solids! She's had avocado, sweet potato, and carrot. Loves them all so far. We'll be venturing into oatmeal, yogurt, and a sippy cup soon. 

Not a good sleeper. She goes to bed around 740-8pm and is up about 6 times before midnight and about the same after. She sleeps the best right beside me or in her swing. 

She's rolling every which way. Laughs a lot with Gabby. She loves her big sister. 

She's finally ok with going out and about for a little. Before, she would just cry and cryand cry the whole time. 

She claps her feet all the time and it's so adorable. 

She enjoys bath time now. 
Loves seeing herself in the mirror. 
She still is a bit of a serious baby though! She's my little baby grump. Always has her poker face on. 

I've already been browsing Pinterest for first birthday ideas! No shame in my game. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Guess who turned 4

Yup. My first born, Gabrielle. 
The big 4!
We had a birthday party for her at the bowling alley. It was so much fun! 

There were about 20 people that came out to celebrate with us. She had a mini cake, there were cupcakes, ice cream, pizza, and juice. Family and friends. & of course, presents! 

On her actual birthday, we had another cake and just spent the day with each other. Also took her to the gymnastics place so she could run around.

I asked her a handful of questions, she was happy to answer!

Kind of like a birthday interview!

1. What is your favorite color? Red and pink
2. What is your favorite toy? Japanese ice cream. (You make it out of powder)
3. What is your favorite fruit? Cherries and peaches
4. What is your favorite TV show? Little red riding hood and the 3 little pigs
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Eggs
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? Nerd dress
7. What is your favorite game? Hello kitty and super why abc game
8. What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks
9. What is your favorite animal? Bunny
10. What is your favorite song? Hello friends - mother goose club
11. What is your favorite book? Down by the bay
12. Who is your best friend? Kelen
13. What is your favorite cereal? Donut cereal
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Bat ball (baseball)
15. What is your favorite drink? Cherry juice and lemon juice 
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas 
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Penguin!
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cereal
19. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Shrimp
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A nerd! 

I love you, Gabby! 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Guinevere | Three - Four - Five Months

Weight: 15lbs
Height: not sure - will find out next week at her 4 month appointment
Clothing Size: 0-3 & 3 months
Eye Color: brown
Hair: black
Likes: her swing, rocking chair, being held facing outward, enjoying tummy time more and more, 
Dislikes: bath time and being cold

Nursing - like a champ! So thankful for such an easy breastfeeding experience. 
Sleep - goes to sleep around 820-9pm. Wakes about 6 times a night. 

{all of the above was when she was 3/4 months}

Currently, at 5 months, she wears 6m clothing and fits better in a size 3 diaper. 23 inches. Her sleeping at night has gotten a little better, as have her naps. She will now nap for a good hour at a time. She still wakes at night. About 4/5 times. Some nights she'll sleep in her pack and play, other nights (when she won't settle) she will sleep by me on the twin bed. She is a more serious baby but does have her silly moments. 
She can do belly time for a long time now, happily.
She rolls back to belly and belly to back. 

At the beginning of her 4th month she got RSV. We spent a few nights in the hospital. 

We stayed 3 nights. She had to have oxygen (started with 6 liters) and a tube that went down her nose into her stomach. They put her on a feeding schedule and she wasn't happy about it! We did supplement a couple of times when I couldn't pump enough. 
Glad that is over with. Coming home was the best feeling. 

She has also said "mama" a couple of times! 
I think she will be ready for solids soon. She is always eyeing our food and mimicking chewing. Still a few weeks to wait until solids but looking forward to it. She's getting better at sitting up. She likes to play with her feet. Always drooling. Loves Gabby!