Friday, March 11, 2016

Guinevere | Three - Four - Five Months

Weight: 15lbs
Height: not sure - will find out next week at her 4 month appointment
Clothing Size: 0-3 & 3 months
Eye Color: brown
Hair: black
Likes: her swing, rocking chair, being held facing outward, enjoying tummy time more and more, 
Dislikes: bath time and being cold

Nursing - like a champ! So thankful for such an easy breastfeeding experience. 
Sleep - goes to sleep around 820-9pm. Wakes about 6 times a night. 

{all of the above was when she was 3/4 months}

Currently, at 5 months, she wears 6m clothing and fits better in a size 3 diaper. 23 inches. Her sleeping at night has gotten a little better, as have her naps. She will now nap for a good hour at a time. She still wakes at night. About 4/5 times. Some nights she'll sleep in her pack and play, other nights (when she won't settle) she will sleep by me on the twin bed. She is a more serious baby but does have her silly moments. 
She can do belly time for a long time now, happily.
She rolls back to belly and belly to back. 

At the beginning of her 4th month she got RSV. We spent a few nights in the hospital. 

We stayed 3 nights. She had to have oxygen (started with 6 liters) and a tube that went down her nose into her stomach. They put her on a feeding schedule and she wasn't happy about it! We did supplement a couple of times when I couldn't pump enough. 
Glad that is over with. Coming home was the best feeling. 

She has also said "mama" a couple of times! 
I think she will be ready for solids soon. She is always eyeing our food and mimicking chewing. Still a few weeks to wait until solids but looking forward to it. She's getting better at sitting up. She likes to play with her feet. Always drooling. Loves Gabby!