Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gabrielle is One Month old!

Gabby is a whole month old!

Things really are getting easier, **knock on wood** ! We are learning her and she is learning us. The first two weeks were the toughest. She was the cutest at that point but it was the hardest stretch to get through. Not only was I healing from the c-section but we had a newborn. What the heck do you do with a newborn!? Lots of family came to visit, lots of pictures were taken, I am not posting any of those because there is no time for me to ever get myself together. I can't remember the last time I wore jeans and had my hair down... fixed up and down. ;)

Breastfeeding has been quite the challenge. It has been a tough month for learning that, too. I think we are finally getting the hang of it...again I must **knock on wood**! There have been a million and one times I have almost given up. I've cried too many times to count. And had silly arguments. Looking back they don't seem like a big deal, but in the moment -- it meant the world to me. I always wanted to try breastfeeding. And I know that if it didn't work out, there are other ways of feeding my baby and it wouldn't kill her. At first she has lost some weight because we both were learning the ropes. The doctor said they want her to be 8-8.8lbs by her one month appointment (April 25th), I freaked out. So I pumped and pumped and gave her breast milk through a bottle. Family came to visit during the same time, so it was convenient. Now we are back to mostly breastfeeding and M gives her bottles for the stretch of time he watches her while I nap.

She eats, from the bottle, 3.5-4oz every 2-3hrs. When we went to the lactation specialist, we weighed her, she ate, and we weighed her again and she got 3oz from me :) So she is a 3oz kind of gal, for now.

She has definitely filled out. We are guessing she will be well over 8lbs. I'm interested in seeing how long she is. When she was born, they said she was 21inches. At her first check up, she was 19inches lol

She is such a good baby. The last month has definitely been a huge change and an adjustment but it is worth every second. :)

UPDATE - She had her one month appointment and weighs 9lb 3.4oz!!  and is 21.14in long.
She can still wear newborn clothing but she has been wearing more 0-3 month clothing, some fit a bit baggy though. She is no longer in Newborn diapers :( She now fits size 1's.


  1. Oh girl, it definitely gets better! The longer you're a mama the more confident and comfortable you get. She is gorgeous and you'll love every phase more and more. I remember sobbing when my daughter was a newborn because I didn't want her to outgrow it because I felt that was the best it would ever be. I sure was wrong!

  2. Thanks for the comment :)
    It has gotten easier. Some days are a breeze, others are a nightmare lol
    They grow fast! I'm looking forward to when she is a bit bigger so she can sleep with us lol But I also want her to stay small forever.
