Friday, September 13, 2013

50 Miles In September

I decided to do 50 Miles In September. I was trying to find a good, but easy, challenge for myself. I am a newbie runner. Right now, I mostly just fast walk and jog.

Before I got preggo, I would run maybe 4 times a week, 5k's each time. Nothing big or crazy. 5k's are just what I am comfortable with. I never had the best time, I could do a 5k in 30min. Now, it takes me 30min to fast walk 2 miles lol. So I wanted to get back into running, slowly.

Back in January, I tried running. I hadn't ran in 9 months or so. So I ran 2 miles one day, and 2 miles the next. I REALLY hurt my knee. So this time, I am easing into it very slowly. I hope to get back to running 5k's a few times a week. I would like to do races, and someday run a marathon.

I signed myself, and Gabby, up for our very first 5K! It is Saturday, Sept 14th (tomorrow). I am very excited and my only goal is to finish. I can't wait!

As for the 50 miles in September... I don't know if I will get 50 miles, but I sure am going to try. It is a great motivator for getting off your behind :)


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