Monday, September 22, 2014

A lot has happened

Typical title for someone who hasn't written in about 5 months. Ha!

But seriously, a lot has happened.

1) We are no longer in Arizona. We came back (road trip) the last week in July. Hardest thing I've ever done? Yes. It was heartbreaking but it was what was best.

2) Finally got unpacked and settled. A month (or so) later my very best friend, Rachel, came to visit us for 10 whole days! She just left on the 17th.

 3) Now we are going to get back on schedule just in time for us to leave to Arizona, in October, for a quick visit. We will only be there for 3 whole days.

4) My sister is getting married!

5) Mario's sister will be visiting us for Thanksgiving!

6) TTC baby #2!

So a lot has been going on and we have a lot coming up still. But that is the jist of it all.

For now, I am working on a daily flexible schedule for Gabby and myself. Being a SAHM, I feel like we need a little more structure in our day to still feel like we are contributing to the world somehow, or at least I do. Know what I'm saying?

On top of all of this, I need to get back into the swing of running and TIU. Specially when we start trying for baby #2. This time, I want to stay active throughout my pregnancy. With Gabby, I was active but once I was about 6 weeks along, I quit running all together. Bad choice! So hoping this time will be different. I signed up to be an official TIU girl this summer. I did the Bikini Series and I met my goal in a weeks time. But with the move, I unfortunately didn't stay on track and I gained it all back and then some. Boo. Back to square one.

I hate when you get in the groove of things and then you quit. It happens to me all the time with running. I get up to running 4 miles almost every day and I quit. I go through spurts where I post here then all of a sudden I fall off the map.

I realize this post is all over the place.

I have a few ideas for my blog. Obviously, posting consistently. I'm thinking hoping, Monday and Wednesday -- every week. Posts about, mommyhood, daily life, fitness/TIU, beauty, etc! I'll work out some sort of schedule for this, too. :)

I missed you, blogger!


  1. Love reading your blog! Keep it up. I was a SAHM for a while too but went back to work a while ago. We are talking about TTC #2 in the near future, can't wait to be a full time mummy again!!!
