Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby #1 ; Week 7

Today's date: August 8, 2011 ( Obviously I took this yesterday! )

How far along: 7 weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure. There are 2 scales here and I weigh on both lol. One day it said I gained 2lbs, the next day 3lbs, the next day? Just 1lb. So I will go with 1lb.

Size of the baby: 0.51 inches - size of a blueberry :)

Sex: Too soon to tell!

Maternity clothes: None! ...yet. My pants are getting tighter, though.

Sleep: Sleeping well at night. I have always gotten up to pee in the middle of the night, so nothing new there. :)

Best moment(s) of the week: Not much, really. We went to Babies R Us and I bought some Preggie Pops and some cream for the tatas. We got reward membership cards, I gave one to M for his key chain. :)

Movement: Nadda.

Food cravings: All I want is cereal. Pizza always sounds good and I've been wanting tacos so bad.

Food aversions: But, anything with meat, just doesn't sound too good to me. I am making tacos later this week, we will see how that goes. I tried eating Texas toast ( the good kind with cheese on top ) the other day, and no. I took a bite and had to let M have it. Just the smell of it makes me queasy.

Morning sickness: I get queasy off and on. Usually starting in the afternoon, but it is usually the worst at night. Tonight hasn't been too bad, thankfully. I have just been sucking on Preggie Pops when I feel bad, and that seems to help.

Symptoms: Tired all the time. Nauseated off and on. Not as crabby this week!

Labor signs: Too soon.

Belly button in or out: In.

What I miss: Sushi, coffee, SF Red Bull, rare cooked steaks!

What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on August 11th! 


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