Today's date: August 27, 2011 ( Yesterday, again! )
How far along: 9 weeks
Total weight gain: I went to the doctor this week and they said I was up 4lbs from what the at home scale says, eep!
Size of the baby: 0.9 ; size of a green olive.
Maternity clothes: None! ...yet. My pants are getting tighter, though.
Best moment(s) of the week: Our first sonogram!!! We got to see our little bambino (or bambina - if it's a girl) and we got to hear the heart beat for a couple seconds :)
Movement: Nadda.
Food aversions: Still just no meat in the morning, yuck.
Morning sickness: I was good this week. :) *Knock on wood*
Symptoms: Tired all the time. Crabby, mood swings like craaaaazy. Still bad breakouts.
Belly button in or out: In.
What I miss: Sushi and wine!
What I'm looking forward to: Being 10 weeks :) On into the double digits.
We had our first sonogram on Thursday! We were seen right away. Took us back and put the warm goo on my belly and took pics of my ovaries then onto the baby :) He was moving around a lot. We have a dance we do all the time, mimicking the baby :) So cute. I told M the baby is taking after him, dancing around for us to see, and wanting all of the attention. Hehe :) We got pictures of the baby, which is posted below! Talked with the nurse and got weighed and she took our family history. We then met with the final nurse (Who was great!!) who told us when we would be back, what to eat, how much to gain, and she examined me. Basically she said she doesn't care what I eat in the first trimester. It is whatever I can keep down, keep eating that. She said I should gain around 23-28lbs for my height, 5'4" -- glad they measured me! She also gave us random packets of information.
The only thing I did not like about this place, is that you don't get just one main doctor you see. They alternate between 2, and whoever is available at the time of labor, is the one who will deliver our baby. We don't like this, at all. So I think we are going to be changing to a different office and to one main doctor. Will update more about this when the time comes. Our next appointment is set for Sept 22nd. In the mean time, here is our little bambino (bambina):
I will get back on track with updating on time and back to Wednesday nights :) Just been real busy!
M and I went and saw the Colts vs Packers game this Friday. It was so fun! It was his first football game. He bought me an official Peyton jersey :) I changed and wore it the whole game. We had THE BEST seats! We were 9 rows from the 50 yard line. We had some sort of club seats, our section you had to walk through glass doors, and in the dining area it was set up like a restaurant. So cool :) Colts almost won, but the Packers got them at the very end. Darn! Oh well, I'm glad the Packers won for M, he loves them.
That's all for tonight, folks.
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