Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby #1 ; Week 32

Today's date: Feb 4, 2012

How far along: 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 23lbs omg lol

Size of the baby: 16.7in; size of a large jicama -- what ever that is :) And around 3.75lbs.

Sex: Girl! Girl! Girl!

Maternity clothes: The one pair of maternity work pants. I now have 2 maternity jeans and can still wear my bigger size jeans I bought. Still regular tops...well Mediums.

Sleep: Sleeping good. I pee all the time but am usually able to fall back to sleep right away. Last few weeks I have had bad hip pains, still do some nights. But still sleeping well.

Best moment(s) of the week: Doctors appointment! We had our 32 week doctors appointment Tuesday Jan 31, 2012. Just the basic check up. Check your pee, blood pressure, weighs you, answers questions. And got to hear her heart beat :) It was in the 130's. She found it right away. I am measuring 32in from bottom of my boobs to my pelvic area. Gabby is head down and her little bum was right below my ribs. She favors my left side, has the whole pregnancy -- well since I could start feeling her kicks and things. :) Hoping she stays head down. We now see our midwife every 2 weeks now, we go back Feb 14th!

Movement: Still very active :) I can feel her throughout the day and always at night. We played her a song the other night, M and his friend made a video singing and playing guitar to "98* - It's all because of you" and Gabby was moving all around :) She also had hiccups the other night and M moved down to my belly and was going "Boo!!!" "Raahhh!!" Trying to scare her so she would stop hiccuping lol, it was the sweetest cutest thing.

Food cravings: Chocolate milk. I swear I've gone through 2 gallons in a month and there's a full gallon in the fridge with my name on it lol

Food aversions: So far, anything goes.

Morning sickness: So far, so good.

Symptoms: The other day at work I got the most horrible back pain. I don't know if it was related to pregnancy, but I'm guessing so. It was so painful and stuck around only for a few minutes, but wow. It was in my upper back though, can back labor be that high? I haven't felt the pain since. Other than that, my back starts hurting most every day. I have a sit down job, so I don't know why my back hurts when I'm not doing anything lol but it does. Also my belly gets tired easily. Specially if we go out shopping for the day, it just aches like I've been doing crunches nonstop.

Labor signs: Too soon.

Belly button in or out: Flat lol

What I miss:  Red bull!!!! Rare cooked stake, sushi, and I would kill for a sandwich!!

What I'm looking forward to: This whole week! Super Bowl is today, I requested the day off of work about 4 months ago lol. Feb 7th is our baby shower. & Feb 10th is our wedding day :)

I know I haven't updated the survey for a few weeks. There just really wasn't many changes. I am so thankful and lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy. I haven't had any weird odd cravings or anything crazy like that. It has been a boring pregnancy, and in our midwifes book, that equals GREAT!

We are meeting with someone on Feb 22nd to see about getting some Maternity pictures done. I have an idea in mind of what I want and what I don't. I hope we can get some great photos done that aren't cheesy but are also affordable.

We bought a new car! I said bye bye to my Eclipse and said Hello to this:

2012 GMC Terrain! Me and M in front of it on the day we bought it :) There were only about 7miles on it, so its brand spankin' new. He wanted a sunroof but this didn't come with one, so instead we got TV's put in the head rest for Gabby, one behind the driver seat and one behind the passenger seat. They are so cool! You can play a movie on one and play games on the other. Or watch a movie on both, all at the same time. It will be perfect for Gabby and our future 2nd baby. We are also getting chrome handles put on and a chrome grill, whatever that is -- M's idea lol. It is a great suv! It isn't too big, M didn't want anything overly large. It is just our size. And it has some balls lol it can cruise. There is also a camera in the rear that comes on the screen so you can see when you are backing up.

Cool right!? And at night, all the lights on the inside of the car and the buttons light up in red.

I will have more pictures to update with later on this week -- with everything going on. :) Hope everyone has been well!


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