Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby #1 ; Week 33

Today's date: Feb 14, 2012 {picture was taken on Feb 11, 2012}

How far along: 33 weeks

Total weight gain: 23lbs +

Size of the baby: 17in; size of a pineapple -- around 4.25lbs.

Sex: Girl! Girl! Girl!

Maternity clothes: The one pair of maternity work pants. I now have 2 maternity jeans and can still wear my bigger size jeans I bought. Still regular tops...well Mediums.

Sleep: Sleeping good. I pee all the time but am usually able to fall back to sleep right away.

Best moment(s) of the week: Our baby shower and our wedding :) Pics at the bottom of survey

Movement: Still very active :) Movements are becoming bigger and her body parts stick out of my belly for longer periods of time.

Food cravings: Finally have been wanting fruits and some veggies. Up until now all I've wanted are like, the bad foods lol We have been eating salads almost every night with fruit in them.

Food aversions: So far, anything goes.

Morning sickness: So far, so good.

Symptoms: Back hurts easily, I'm out of breath faster, and getting up off the bed/out of M's car -- is a chore :)

Labor signs: Too soon.

Belly button in or out: Flat lol

What I miss:  Same things as usual lol also, I miss having a flat belly and feeling attractive, ah!

What I'm looking forward to: Our baby appointment Feb 14, 2012. Which we already went to :D

We had our 34 week appointment today. I take my weekly photos at the end of the week, so I wont take my 34 week photo until this coming Saturday. But! Baby girl is still head down, and I have gained 3lbs since 2 weeks ago. Yikes. So I am at 27lb gain, good lawdy! But I am gaining just right still, and everything looks good, my pee, blood pressure, and the glucose test results came back good :)

We then went out to eat
 Oishi is a fairly new restaurant and is becoming our fave.

 I ordered the Tropical Mango Sauce with Tofu and Veggies. Delish.
 He got the rack of lamb, very good!
 Our self cell phone portrait!
And the picture we asked the waitress to take of us. She kept telling him to smile lol, smiiiiile smiiiiiile!
We then went grocery shopping, they were having great deals on fruits, had to get some and some more salad fixings.

Monday at work, he sent me these :) He sends me flowers every month. When I'm called to the front office, every one knows why lol 

We also had our baby shower!

 The two awesome girls who put the whole thing together, and myself :)
 Our cake and cupcakes. The cake was red velvet, mmmm. And cupcakes were dark chocolate and vanilla. The lovely girl that made these for us, gave it to us as our baby gift. How awesome right!?
 Our gifts! We got so many gifts! Some didn't have a name who it was from :(
M in the center front :) We had a good turn out, 30 or so came, all at different times lol it was a great time.

Also, a big surprise, my friend flew down from Colorado, where I moved from last Jan, with her son and came to our baby shower! I hadn't seen her in over a year. I cried when she walked in. It was really good to see her :)

Feb 10th, M and I got married :D Just a simple courthouse wedding. It happened so fast. It took but a couple minutes and we were official! We had a few friends come. We will be having a bigger wedding in a year or so, with the dress and decorations, and all that fun stuff :)
 My little bouquet I had made :)
 On our way. It just started snowing :D
 Yes, I am very very very preggo lol
 Now husband and wife :D
L-R: Rene, John, Debbie, Kevin, Me, M, M's mom, my dad, M's dad, my step mom. :D

That is all that has been happening. It was a busy fun week :)

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Aww. I love that you are blogging all of this! And look how cute you guys are, matching. Congrats on everything! I weighed the same at 33 weeks. LOL 32-33 weeks was my biggest jump. I had gained a total of 19 lbs. at week 32, and 22-23 at week 33! :) You look cute, as usual!

    1. Thank you, Laura!
      I'm glad I've been blogging this, the pictures at least! I know for a few weeks I didn't do the survey. There just wasn't much change. But I'm so glad I've kept the weekly photos. It's so crazy to look back on and see how much our bodies change :)
