Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gabrielle is 10 months!

She is so active! Loves standing as much as she can. Put her against a wall and she is happy.
She still loves clapping. Isn't mimicking you cough as much, but it's still so adorable when she does it.
She still more army crawls than actual crawls. She is getting better though.
Still in size 3 diapers.
Still 20lbs.
10 months breast feeding strong!
Fits in soooome 9 month clothing. But more on the 12 month/18 month sizes.
Loves mac and cheese. Loves grilled cheese sandwiches.
Loves puffs and yogurt bites.
Started pointing and pretending to talk on the phone...even if her pretend phone is a clicker. lol :)
She's been sleeping in her pack and play, most of the time. The other time she sleeps with us.
Still wakes during the night to eat. Twice a night, I don't mind. But 5 times a night, whoa am I exhausted the next day.
Still loves bath time. We are still using her baby bath. She fits, kind of. I have been trying to find a rubber tub stopper but can't seem to find one anywhere.
She's a good napper. She usually takes two 2-hour naps a day. Well, when I am home she does. I don't know what it's like when I'm at work. I've noticed she takes after me and likes her face to be covered when she is sleeping. I always uncover it for her though, that scares me! And she likes to sleep on her belly now!
She doesn't like anything on her head or in her hair anymore :( She won't wear hats and she keeps taking out her hair clips.
She loves grocery shopping. She loves to look at all the people and lights. She gets a lot of attention too!
I have already started planning her 1st birthday :)
Still saying Dada and Mama :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Gabrielle is 9 months!

Dec 24, 2012

She is 20lbs
Can squeeze into 9 month clothing. 12m and 18m fits much much better. ;)
Still breast fed!
Had her first Christmas and opened her own presents.
Likes standing...assisted.
Not liking her bouncer as much now.
Mimics you when you cough! So cute. She will fake sneeze sometimes, too.
Says MAMA :) <3 <3
Still in our room, in her pack and play, or sometimes in our bed.
As of January, she started flipping over to sleep on her belly! Freaks me out.
Still doesn't sleep through the night lol ;(

Gabrielle is 8 months!

Nov 24, 2012

About 20lbs.
Still size 3 diapers.
6-9-12 clothings
Likes to sit up in the bath now :)
Army crawls!...all over the place! Impossible to keep here in one place, she wants to be on the move.
We finally got rid of the little bassinet. She got much better at sitting up and didn't want her falling out of it. So, hubby brought in the pack and play instead. She has sooooo much more room.
Still bread fed!