Sunday, December 20, 2015

Guinevere | Two Months

Weight: 11lb 4oz
Height: 21inch
Clothing Size: 0-3 & 3 months. Bye bye newborn sizes :(
Eye Color: brown
Hair: black
Likes: her swing and mobile, rocking chair 
Dislikes: bath time and being cold

She started cooing!! It's the cutest thing ever. 
She started smiling as well. 
She's also in size 2 diapers now. We made the switch right at the end of her first month, I believe.
Still breastfed.

She had her first cold. That was a little rough on her. I felt so bad every time she tried to breathe through her nose, which was all the time. It was all stuffy. 

She sleeps, during a good stretch, 2-3hrs at a time. But, sometimes only for 40min stretches. I put her in her swing when the 40min stretches happen back to back. In her swing she can easily sleep a solid 2-3 hours. 

I'm beginning to think she is a colicky baby. Nonstop crying. All day. Everyday. She has some good moments throughout the day where she'll smile and be a happy baby. Otherwise, it's cry city.