Thursday, March 28, 2013

Family Easter Photo

Yesterday, we went and got our picture taken with the Easter Bunny.

We arrived early, so we had some time to kill. We did a little shopping. M got a new protein drink, 'Marked', I got 2 new summer dresses, and Gabby got another pair of sandals for the summer.

By the time we shopped and got back to the Easter Bunny set up, it was picture time!

M wanted to sit on the bunny's lap. I think the bunny was scared because it just shrugged. We were going to try and get Gabby to sit on the bunny's lap, but she wouldn't let go of me. I think we got a great picture, though!

Afterwards, Gabby had her one year check-up. She is doing great. Weighs 21.1lbs and is 2ft and a half ( I don't remember the exact inches, I will have to check her paper). She got 3 shots and cried and cried. Then was distracted by a painting and stopped lol. She returns to the doctor at 15 months and 18 months.

I love Gabby's pediatrician but he said something that I completely disagree with. It made me quite upset actually. He said that nursing after one year is pointless. I was speechless. Granted, his expertise isn't breast milk. But, still. That is why you NEVER listen to your doctor when it comes to nursing advice. Go see your Lactation Specialist!! I can't stress that enough.

I will continue to nurse until we are ready to stop. That is that!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gabrielle is ONE!

How did the year go by so fast?!

She has 4 teeth now! Last month was a little rough. She was waking so many times during the night, due to teething. Glad her top two finally came through.She is waking about 2 times a night, which I can manage and still feel almost normal during the work day.

She is loving mac and cheese lately. Also, mandarin oranges, mango's, and green beans. Still a huge rice lover. Any kind!

She is pointing at everything, clapping, and waves. She says hi, dada, mama, ice, tata, and I swear she started saying 'Santa.'

She's still in her pack and play in our room. Not sure when we will move her to her own I am still on demand feeding.

So happy to say we've been breastfeeding for a whole YEAR! Never thought I'd be able to say that. It was not easy at the beginning. I used a shield for the first 5 months. Then one day, she must have been super hungry, couldn't wait for me to get the shield on, and she just latched on. The rest is history.

I am pumping 3 times a day, once before I leave or work, and twice during the working day. I have a good stash of frozen milk which I'm happy about.

I could not have done this without my little lady. There were so many times, at the beginning, that I wanted to give up. And I almost did many times. It's hard when you don't have much support. I had the support of Gabby and myself. Everyone else told me to just give her formula. So glad I didn't listen. I'm so grateful to have been nursing this long. Thank goodness for my great milk supply!

She weighs 21lbs :) wearing 12-18m clothing. And we put her into size 4 diapers.

It has been such an amazing year. Ups and downs, a whole lot of joy and love. Can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us. Until then, here are some pictures from her birthday party!

We had her birthday on her birthday, March 24th. It was a Sunday. We held it at the local hibachi buffet. They had a good size banquet room, so I took full advantage.

It was a great time! We appreciate and love our family and friends that came out to help us celebrate this special day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We have arrived in Arizona!

It's beautiful here.

Gabby was pretty good on the 4hr plane ride over. She slept for a good 2hrs or so. I tried keeping her occupied and busy. I wrapped up about 6 new toys, and gave her a new one every 30min or so. Worked like a charm.

She just went down for her first nap, at noon. Which is 2pm our time. Possibly jet lagged hehehe. She has been exploring all morning long.

Today we will be out and about and will be able to see more of this town. Excited to see what it has to offer.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Such a joy

I had so much fun with Gabby tonight.

She's been so lovey dovey to me and clingy. I love it! She kissed my cheek a few times and wants to be close to me.

Tonight, before bed time, she grabbed one of her socks she was wearing earlier today. She would put it towards my nose and I'd say "*sniff* pew!" And she would crack up laughing. She did it over an over.

She would also pretend she was holding something between her fingers and hold it out like she was offering it to you. Mario would make a slurping sound. She would squirm and laugh some more. We all had so much fun tonight.

She's fast asleep now. I think she wore herself out!