Sunday, December 20, 2015

Guinevere | Two Months

Weight: 11lb 4oz
Height: 21inch
Clothing Size: 0-3 & 3 months. Bye bye newborn sizes :(
Eye Color: brown
Hair: black
Likes: her swing and mobile, rocking chair 
Dislikes: bath time and being cold

She started cooing!! It's the cutest thing ever. 
She started smiling as well. 
She's also in size 2 diapers now. We made the switch right at the end of her first month, I believe.
Still breastfed.

She had her first cold. That was a little rough on her. I felt so bad every time she tried to breathe through her nose, which was all the time. It was all stuffy. 

She sleeps, during a good stretch, 2-3hrs at a time. But, sometimes only for 40min stretches. I put her in her swing when the 40min stretches happen back to back. In her swing she can easily sleep a solid 2-3 hours. 

I'm beginning to think she is a colicky baby. Nonstop crying. All day. Everyday. She has some good moments throughout the day where she'll smile and be a happy baby. Otherwise, it's cry city.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Guinevere | One Month

I realized I never made a post for Gwen's one month update!

Or her birth story. That is on its way next. For now, the one month update. :)

Gwen is such a good baby. I feel like this time around, we know what we are doing a little more than the first time around. She cries but only if she's hungry, needs a diaper change, or is a little gassy ;) 

She has the funniest facial expressions! I call the majority of them her "bitter beer faces" haha

I'm not being strict about having her on any sort of schedule yet. She's still got her days and nights jumbled. After next month, I'll start on being a little more strict with the schedule. Just a little. Right now, all she does is sleep, so I'm not worried about her napping all day because she'll still be doing the same thing all night. 

She weighs 9lb 6oz and is 20inches long! Next month, the shots start. 

She's had a lot of eye boogers, or googers - as we call it, pediatrician also said its just her glands haven't fully opened but it'll pass. 

She was a bit jaundice when she was born. Just slightly. Her pediatrician said to just make sure she's nursing frequently that way she is pooping a lot. We got her tested and all, and now she's jaundice free! 

Speaking of nursing. It's going great! She eats all the time. She wakes about every 2hrs at night. Sometimes every 1hr, sometimes I'm lucky and get a 3hr stretch. 

She's out of the newborn diapers and flying through size 1's. 

Still in newborn clothing. 

Still dolling her up in bows! 

I'm already thinking about her 1st birthday party theme. Too soon? ;)

Love you, little Guinabear!!  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Throwback Thursday

This time last year we were playing at the blue park for the last time. After just 3 months in Arizona, we packed our things up and headed back to the Midwest. So sad to have to leave my family but we knew Arizona wasn't the place for Gabby, Mario, and myself. Damn you, life!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Dear T.E.

Today is your due date. 

I wonder what you might have looked like. Were you a girl or a boy? What would we have named you? How much would you have weighed? How long would you have been? Would you have looked like your big sister? 

These things I'll never know. 

I've never stopped thinking about you and wondering what the rest of my pregnancy would have been like. What kind of life you would have had. 

I may be the only one who remembers it's your due date. And that's ok. It's not up to anyone else to remember. I remember. I've been thinking about this day since I lost you in December. 

I took an Alpha class with your dad around the time I lost you. It was with a church we would go to off and on. It was supposed to help us understand why we are here in the first place. After the course, I'm still confused as to what this life is all about. But, the pastor asked us, "if you were face to face with God, what would you ask him?" Your dad being hilarious as usual said " what do you like to do for fun?" And me being the emotional wreck that I was at the time said "what does my baby look like?" 

I think about it everyday. 

Your little sister is due in October. I wonder, when she is able to talk, if she'll tell me about you. Describe what you looked like. Tell me things you said. Let me know if she saw her sister or brother before she came to me.

I took this at the end of November 2014. I still think this was you with us in this picture. 
See you? Floating by your sisters head. I know that was you. I was in the process of losing you since week 6. It wasn't until week 8 that it was confirmed and my pregnancy with you was over. I kept what I had of you. I'm sorry it took me 7 whole months before I could even think about burying you. Your dad finally did and we planted gorgeous bright flowers above you. 

 I miss you everyday. 
I love you, Taylor baby. 
See you when I see you.

Monday, July 6, 2015

25 Weeks Pregnant

Today's date: July 6, 2015
How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain: like, 19lbs
Size of the baby: 1.5lbs and 13.5in - size of a rutabaga
Sex: Girl!
Maternity clothes: yes, please. At least any jeans/bottoms. They are so much more comfortable.
Sleep: mild insomnia.
Best moment(s) of the week: Gabby feeling and seeing her baby sister moving. 
Movement: all the time!
Food cravings: Subways tuna sammich on white bread with jalapeños!
Food aversions: None :)
Morning sickness: nope
Symptoms: nesting like a mother effer! 
Labor signs: Too soon.
Belly button in or out: Flat
What I miss:  sleeping on my belly
What I'm looking forward to: Week 32 appointment so we can talk to the doctor who delivered Gabby. Repeat csection or vbac? 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July

Woke up at the crack of dawn. Literally. 4am and I have to pee (for the 12th time tonight). Of course pregnancy insomnia decides to kick in and I'm unable to fall back asleep. 6:30am rolls around and it's time to get up. So I do. 

Sweet bags. 
I wake Gabby up a little after 7:30am. She's not happy about this. She's tired. She's grouchy. She won't let me dress her in a cute 4th of July outfit. She's cutely pissed on the way to breakfast. 

We all eat good and head to the mall. At this point, she's a little happier and has some energy. 

Bouncing around the play area!

We head home and I take a much needed 1.5hr nap. We go out to eat for dinner and come home to light some fireworks. Gabby said she loved it. Sparklers were a big hit!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Feeling accomplished today

Not only did I clean up Gabby's toy area, room, and my room. But! I also managed to get some receiving blankets washed up as well as my pump. I need to order new pumping tubes and bottles, but, everything else is ready to use. I put some of the blankets into my baby bag and will slowly fill it with a couple outfits and other things baby will need. I'm going to start on my hospital bag, too. As well as hubby's.

So early, I'm only 25 weeks, but that's all there is to do! We aren't setting up a nursery. We did for Gabby but she still sleeps with me and only goes into her room to play. If anything, the girls can share a room for a little while. 

We bought a pack and play last week. The one we had when Gabby was born is broken. We got a lot of use out of it. We do have Gabby's old crib, that she slept in all of maybe 3 times! That is in a different part of the house for now.
All that's left to get is a car seat, double stroller, pumping tubes and bottles, and eventually a high chair. Other then that, we have everything. Well, we will need diapers and wipes. But that's it! 

Here's an updated progress picture from week 24!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pregnancy update!

Now to finally start the survey! I got so behind, sorry little baby.

Today's date: May 17, 2015

How far along: 18 weeks 6 days!

Total weight gain: about 7lbs, ahhh!

Size of the baby: 5.5 in ; size of a sweet potato.

Sex: We should be finding out on May 26th!

Maternity clothes: I wear them just because they are super comfortable! I can still wear my regular jeans, just need to not button them ;)

Sleep: Sleeping good for the most part. Some nights I do have insomnia.

Best moment(s) of the week: Reading to Gabby. Each night I've been reading two books that she picks out. :)

Movement: Lots of movement! I can feel movement throughout the day and a lot at night. I lay there next to Gabby (she's usually asleep) and tap or poke my belly and I can feel little kicks and\or jabs.

Food cravings: Gimmie all the carbsssss. I've eaten terribly the last two weeks. A lot of fast food. A lot of ice cream.

Food aversions: Not really :)

Morning sickness: So far, so good.

Symptoms: Boobs are growing. A little easy to lose my temper.

Labor signs: Too soon.

Belly button in or out: in but flat
What I miss:  more than one cup of coffee lol I used to drink almost a whole pot of coffee in the morning. Now, just one small cup.

What I'm looking forward to: May 26, 2015! Finding out the gender. Also May 21, 2015 - taking Gabby to see if she is able to start preschool. School is all she talks about!


The first trimester, I was exhausted and nauseous.  All I wanted to do was sleep. I'd go to bed with Gabby, wake up with Gabby, and nap with Gabby. Luckily, for me, she was still napping pretty much every day during my first trimester. Nausea didn't clear up until a couple weeks into my 2nd trimester. That's when my energy came back too.

I didn't have food aversions that I can recall. With Gabby I couldn't eat meat during the 1st trimester, this pregnancy, I enjoyed meat.

Cravings: at first, pasta salad. A chicken sandwich with a lot of mayo. Ice cream. Sweets. Watermelon. BLT's.

Experienced leg cramps! Never had those with Gabby.
Lots of headaches. Had these with Gabby as well.
Crazy dreams. With Gabby too.
Week 17 and 18, I've been a big B. lol, sorry hubby.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

5k Color Run

We had so much fun! Gabby did great, too. She ran some, walked some, was mostly carried by the Mr! Haha what a trooper he was though. He carried a cinch bag full of water, protein bars, diapers, and a 30lb toddler! 

We went with the jog/walk group. We finished in an hour and a couple minutes. Not too bad! 

There were about 5 color stations set up all along the course. Each one, they'd spray you with chalk. They had other volunteers standing throughout the race cheering you on. Gabby loved going and high fiving them, and they loved her! 

I have some video from the race. That will be up in a WITL vlog soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Coffee Date Thursday - Catch up!

Tasha from TkbPlus3 from YouTube put together a really fun weekly video idea. Each week there will be a different topic posted. Since this is my first week, I missed the past 2 weeks. So, I am going to play catch up! Just here on the blog. My week 3 video will be live this morning! Go check out my video for week 3, topic is anything you want to talk about that is Easter related. I chose to talk a little about my favorite Easter memories and traditions I'm passing down to Gabby and future baby. Easter Memories

Week 1 topic was "Who Am I?"

I am Desiree. I'm 29, married, and mother. I'm a stay at home mom who sells Scentsy! I'm a lover of makeup - beauty products - and nail polish, obsessed with documenting our life, coffee addict, and a forever want to be runner. I've been married for 3 years. Colorado girl at heart (born and raised for 25yrs!) but now reside in the Midwest.

Week 2 topic was "What inspires me?"

This was more YouTube related. What inspired me to start YouTube was watching other women who were pregnant and they made weekly pregnancy vlogs. I thought that was so neat and knew I wanted to do the same. So sure enough, when I got pregnant, I made a YouTube channel (I have since gotten a new one) and started pregnancy vlogs. Then it grew to posting more vlogs, Gabby monthly updates, monthly favorites, etc. Basically our life. I keep going with it because I love looking back at it and love that Gabby will be able to see the videos when she's older.

Hope you check out this weeks topic, via My YouTube channel !

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Baby #3 Week 4-7

We announced our pregnancy when I was about 6 weeks. I was able to get an early ultrasound, for peace of mind. There was a baby and a heartbeat! So far I've just been completely exhausted and nauseous. I'll start the weekly survey next week. Definitely started showing right away. My hubby and I think I'm going to be huge lol. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a new little one come October!