Friday, September 27, 2013

Nap when your baby naps

I started finally doing this, 18 months later, on accident!

I put Gabby down for a nap a couple days ago and before you knew it,  I was fast asleep, before her. I woke up to her staring at me, haha. She ended up soon falling asleep too and I slept by her for about an hour. I woke up a bit groggy and feeling like "why did I nap -- worst idea ever." My grogginess soon went away, thankfully.

Then it happened again yesterday. There I was, fast asleep and drooling. Gabby just staring at me like "what the.." again, she soon fell asleep too. Handed me her empty bottle, rolled over, and was out. It's amazing how fast I can fall asleep nowadays.

Naps are awesome! I didn't feel groggy afterwards. Maybe because I really am well rested or because I'm drinking a Starbucks vanilla pumpkin pie spiced latte...which honestly isn't that great. We don't have a Starbucks here, so I had to improvise..

Thursday, September 26, 2013

100th post!

This is my 100th blog post :)

I started this blog as a keepsake of my pregnancy. I did do a couple YouTube videos while pregnant but really kept up with the weekly pictures and posted here. I used it as a monthly update on Gabby, which I was sometimes late on! I am glad I have this to look back on.

I am glad and proud of myself for keeping a blog finally. Here's to 100 more posts!

Happy blogging!

Monday, September 16, 2013

We did it!

We finished our 5K!

We got there just in time, stretched, and walked the race. Yes, walked. Baby steps remember?! I am nowhere near ready to full on jog or run, yet!

Here was the starting line. All walkers went to the right, all the runners to the left, and all strollers (us) in the back. The race was for Miley K. And to be honest, I have no idea who she was. All I know, and it states on her FB page, that she was a 22yr old who loved like no other. It goes on to say what happened: "a student from our ministry fell asleep in her dorm at Olivet Nazarene University, and didn't wake up."

 As we were getting our miles in, there were so many people out on their front lawns cheering us on. They had country music playing, fairy dust and bubbles all the way through. It was a lot of fun. :)

After the race, I let Gabby stretch her little leggies. I took her home afterwards and I headed to work.
I was so happy to finally do a race, even if I walked it. I'm so lucky I got to do my first race with my favorite girl. I did get some video footage of our morning. The race started at 8AM and we finished at 8:50AM :p

Can you spot me? ;)
This photo was taken by: Photography by Chel

Check out our morning, vlog style.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Scentsy September 2013 Scent/Warmer of the month!

Go check it out!

Friday, September 13, 2013

50 Miles In September

I decided to do 50 Miles In September. I was trying to find a good, but easy, challenge for myself. I am a newbie runner. Right now, I mostly just fast walk and jog.

Before I got preggo, I would run maybe 4 times a week, 5k's each time. Nothing big or crazy. 5k's are just what I am comfortable with. I never had the best time, I could do a 5k in 30min. Now, it takes me 30min to fast walk 2 miles lol. So I wanted to get back into running, slowly.

Back in January, I tried running. I hadn't ran in 9 months or so. So I ran 2 miles one day, and 2 miles the next. I REALLY hurt my knee. So this time, I am easing into it very slowly. I hope to get back to running 5k's a few times a week. I would like to do races, and someday run a marathon.

I signed myself, and Gabby, up for our very first 5K! It is Saturday, Sept 14th (tomorrow). I am very excited and my only goal is to finish. I can't wait!

As for the 50 miles in September... I don't know if I will get 50 miles, but I sure am going to try. It is a great motivator for getting off your behind :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Buy!

I put myself on a "No Buy" for 3 months. Starting August 15-November 15 I can not buy any beauty related product. No mascara, no foundation, no nail polish, no nothing! *unless of course, I run out of mascara and have used up all 8 that I own.*

I did this to start using up what I own. To find old favorites. I noticed I was starting to have more of a stock pile. Which, is a dream haha but, a lot of my makeup was just sitting there...unused.

I've been doing great! I only had a couple slips and one "oopsie" moment. My savings keeps going up up UP! It has been tough but doable. I am making a list of beauty products I really want to try, come November. November 15th just happens to be my birthday, so I will splurge on my big day :)

Now, I kept my Ipsy membership ($10 a month). I waited long enough to be apart of Ipsy, and there was NO way I was canceling that subscription.

What's on my *must have* list so far? be continued...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

11 extra hours

I am pleased to say I get to have 11 extra hours a week, with my mini main squeeze!

My hubby got a new job recently and pays well. So I was able to go down to part time (Just started on the 8th). :) I've been waiting for this since having Gabby. I feel so lucky to be able to spend more time with her. Thanks to my hubby for making this possible!

What will I do with all of my extra time with her?! For now, it's early mornings at the park, Peppa pig, and our upcoming 5K!