Sunday, July 29, 2012

So close!

Any day now and her foot will go and stay in her mouth lol

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gabrielle is 4 months!

Can fit 12 month clothing lol
Size 2 diapers but they are getting smaller. Will be in 3's soon!
Still breast fed :)
Her sleeping at night varies. Some nights she'll wake 2 times, sometimes 3-4 times.
She is still sleeping in her bassinet. It is getting small. I think, within a few weeks, she'll be in her big girl crib in her own room :(!!!!
Her neck is strong! She is a pro at tummy time and can lift her head and does a baby "crunch" !!
She is very alert and active.
She started sucking on her upper lip lol
She loves bath time.
She loves her reflection.
Will coo and goo to you, :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

One year ago, yesterday...

I found out I was pregnant! After a short time of trying and not even missing my period yet, the test was positive! I love my Gabby girl so much. XO

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gabby 14 weeks

She's so beautiful. I love her facial expressions :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 4th

She started grabbing her feet! My MIL says, in her culture, this means she wants a sibling to play with lol

Gabrielle is 3 months!

14lbs :)
Easily fits 3-6 clothing
Size 2 diapers
Still breastfed
Started putting her in her bassinet to sleep at night, instead of her swing. She no longer sleeps through the night lol
She likes to be propped up to sit. Likes sitting on your lap/leg
She started grabbing for her feet on July 4th!
She giggles now and smiles often
She can now reach, grab, and hold things